Brookdale Golf Club Function Room
Room Hire
Room hire costs at Brookdale Golf Club are highly competitive and available on request
Car Parking
The number of car parking spaces at Brookdale Golf Club is limited. All members and Guests should bear this in mind when attending any functions held at the Golf Club. There is an overflow car park that can be used. If for any reason the car parks are full then please park on Medlock Road. Please do not park across the resident’s driveway or other access areas.
Function Restrictions
Brookdale Golf Club has a capacity of 120 guests for all functions and 80 guests for a sit down meal function. Under no circumstances can the guest list exceed 120.
Brookdale Golf Club respectfully asks that guests of the club do not go onto the golf course; the Club also requests you are mindful of the members that are golfing and observe an appropriate manner whilst golf is being played. The Hirer should be aware that the club members have the right to use the balcony.
The Hirer shall also be responsible for the provision of children attending the function and ensure their reasonable behavior while at the function. Children are to be supervised at all times on the balcony area and are not permitted on the putting green or golf course.
No alcohol can be brought onto the premises.
Booking Cancellation
In the event of a cancellation the full fee is non-returnable. The Board of Directors have the discretion to cancel a booking for any reason and refund the full payable amount.
Brookdale Golf Club reserve the right to use all functions as a marketing opportunity for advertising, promotions, displays and the website.